I went with StefanB and Amo adn StefanF and Anja last night to see a dress rehearsal of some dance thing. An older guy, thin with Levis and old brown men's shoes, and a pale blue electric detuned guitar. He sang softly into the mike - " When I came into the kitchen, you were crying / but it was only thaaaaat / you had been chopping onions ".
The dancer guy ran around, pointing this way and that. Jumped on a table and danced there too, until the front leg fell off. The audience said "eek!". It was a very lighthearted performance.
One great bit was social - I was in the foyer drinking my Club Mate coz I was a bit tired and wanted to be a bit more awake, then there was Saskia's friend Tania Rünow! Helloo Helloo and she gave me a big smile and hug like she was really pleased to see me. Nice change tell ya what. We chatted for a while, I think her good-looking maybe-dyke pals were a bit miffed, they wandered off to chat elsewhere.
Tania was the one who hosted me and Saskia, Richard and Robert and also a whole bunch of her other friends for New Year's Eve. Here in Tchermany when it's New Year Eve you say to everyone you meet on that day " Guten Rutsch!" which means "good slide" as in "have a good slide into the New Year". As all good aussies will do, me and Rich and Saskia who is now half-aussie pretty much ended up talking in Tania's kitchen, which like most apartments here is furnished with things from the street or the second-hand shop. Not a built-in cupboard in sight. Two of the chairs are from an aeroplane or a cinema I couldn't tell which. Rich was sitting on them and then suddenly they fell forward and he was under the table! We looked on in shock, and then I shouted "Guten Rutsch!" and we all screamed with laughter. Tops night!
13 years ago
a distilled evening, ta :)